
i'm a newborn baby dragon,
out of my shell seeing the world for the first time.
drinking the water, feeling it feed the cells in my body,
stretching my muscles, flexing my claws to grip, my armour shining silver and green,
light purple eyes in awe of this jungle, this fantastic place.

what are you?

1 comment:

  1. I am a new river near the end the ocean.
    Picked up lots, left lots, all behind.
    Tasted, spring the summer and fall.
    Stopped to watch the winter go by.
    Danced the swirl of eddies
    with leaves, grasshoppers
    sunlight and dawn.
    Smile on my surface
    reflecting all that’s seen.
    Play games round rocks,
    jump cliffs
    and fall with laughter and life.
    Quite and deep
    to leave a story behind.
    Intimate in touch,
    bringing life, and death.
    Fly to the sky,
    just to fall back home again.
    Making paths like a child
    paying no mind.
    Clear as a glass,
    and gentle enough to bend the light
    Sometimes mysterious
    shadows every where,
    murky, quirky, at peace.
    Roaring to awe, and then,
    unnoticed just a pass by.
